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On AI:

I cancelled all of my AI subs a couple of months ago. I just use the free Bing Copilot and have an Edge browser dedicated to it. Truth is - I rarely use it.

It's amazing to me how search (even with AI) has just gotten WORSE over the past 2-3 years! Its incredible. Google just straight up sucks. And the AI answers in Copilot takes too long to generate. I'm so frustrated with all of it.

I keep hearing execs say: "I can't wait for AI to just book my travel for me." Thats what we want out of this????? We are spending hundreds of billions to book travel?

I'm convinced that outside of "bullshit work" (as you noted) and "light coding" that AI isn't very useful. Yet.

A lot of what I see people using it for are essentially parlor tricks.

"Any person at a vendor who’s actually worked on the submission to a Wave or Magic Quadrant will tell you: if we COULD have paid them instead of doing all this work, we WOULd gladly have paid them, even out of our own wallets."

There is more truth in this statement than most people realize. Not to mention - it's worth it to "pay the analyst tax" to get better visibility, awareness, placement.

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