I've been trying to figure out micro.blog as a platform. Hosting all my stuff over there seems much nicer than at WordPress. I think I've got all my stuff setup there now, at cote.coffee. Really, it's just a duplicate of what's here - mostly links.This week I managed to be in both London and Berlin. It worked out well for proving the reason I moved over here: much easier travel around Europe.The experience of being a non-status flyer (so far!) is OK, but I did get a chance to fly on BA leaving London. This mean I could get into a lounge which was a nice reminder. The food and drinks in there are OK, but it's mostly just the space and calm you get. You can leave your bag at your seat as you wonder around, or go use the restroom (pardon, "toilet"). As with all things nice at the airport, it's not that it's particularly great, it's just that it's what you'd normally expect outside of the airport.15 Sep 2018
Coté's Commonplace Book #42
Coté's Commonplace Book #42
Coté's Commonplace Book #42
I've been trying to figure out micro.blog as a platform. Hosting all my stuff over there seems much nicer than at WordPress. I think I've got all my stuff setup there now, at cote.coffee. Really, it's just a duplicate of what's here - mostly links.This week I managed to be in both London and Berlin. It worked out well for proving the reason I moved over here: much easier travel around Europe.The experience of being a non-status flyer (so far!) is OK, but I did get a chance to fly on BA leaving London. This mean I could get into a lounge which was a nice reminder. The food and drinks in there are OK, but it's mostly just the space and calm you get. You can leave your bag at your seat as you wonder around, or go use the restroom (pardon, "toilet"). As with all things nice at the airport, it's not that it's particularly great, it's just that it's what you'd normally expect outside of the airport.15 Sep 2018