When you hear the word “input,” run - avoiding unpaid work at work
Self-gaslighting myself into a narrative stalemate.
Thriving in a BigCo: Avoiding homework, and assigning homework
I’m working on a video series with O’Reilly based on my working and thriving in a BigCo talks. Here’s a little storyboarding I did on one topic to avoid having too much work that’s not part of your job, a concept I call “homework.”

Asking Questions Leads to Homework for You
When you point out a problem, you make yourself responsible for the solution, whether it’s your job or not.
This is a trap that technical people fall very easily into: asking why the company operates why it does as a way of pointing out problems and opportunities. Why don’t we integrate with this new service? Why are we still using FAX machines? Why don’t we use hashtags?
You now have extra homework. You need to study the problem, work on a solution, talk the various people involved and get their “input” (really, permission to mess with their stuff), report this all out in the big meeting, and then start the cycle all over again considering the “input” got in the meeting.
If you want to, and have time for all of this, have fun. But if not, be aware that when you point out problems and way to improve, you might just be assigning yourself more homework.
Bonus tip: when you hear the word “input,” run.
Yes, and… Assign Homework to Filter Vampires
Now, hold on: you can hack assigning homework for your benefit! Often, people will ask you to help them, to join a project, even review something. They want your “input.”
If this is your job - hey, presto! - you should do it.
If it’s unrelated to your official job, it is is extra work. The first thing you should do is ask them to send you some more information and thinking. That is, assign them homework. This can be as simple as asking for a date, requirements, budget ranges, etc.. It could be as complex as writing a memo on what the project is (“my boss needs a write-up to look over,” you might say).
This is like charging a small fee for a trivial service: it cuts out the freeloaders. If sending an email cost a penny, there would be almost no spam.
You can filter out the unimportant work because people won’t do this homework unless it’s actually important. Even if unknowingly, the person asking was hoping you’d just take it and run with, like, all of it, and then just hand it back to them.
Recent ChatDM
I haven’t updated y’all on my attempts to use ChatGPT for Dungeons & Dragons, especially for solo play.
In the most recent round of updates, you can now upload files, like, big ones. I was hopeful that it’d make ChatGPT a better DM: you upload the PDF for an adventure and just it to run it. It doesn’t really work out too well.
I don’t know how to describe it, but ChatGPT is just not…creative? Imaginative? Unexpected? It can’t improvise, even within a well constrained system. I mean, I guess that’s what all the freaked out creatives are saying and hoping for. The other issue with ChatDM is that it just has no idea how to do combat.
It’s still very good at brainstorming. I asked it to come up with a system for determining if monsters would retreat enough, and the first pass was pretty good. Would a gnoll retreat if half of its companions had been killed and it was injured, or are gnolls too dumb for that (actually, it looks like they might be pretty “smart” when it comes to just taking out the weak and pulling back for a snack)? An orc might retreat if it saw a tactical advantage in doing so, or it might fight to the death, and so on. The DM can subjectively determine all of that, but as with a lot of D&D having a system is helpful. Anyhow, ChatGPT came up with a good mix of checking moral (based on Wisdom), damage, and being outnumbered or not.
I’m also trying something new, a mix of journaling and Dracula-like technique. You have one character write journal entries (or, I guess letters, whatever) as milestones in the plot and adventure, then you instruct ChatGPT to fill in the time between the journal entries with role playing. I’ve only done this a little bit and so far it’s…OK?
I haven’t looked at making my own GPT. We’ll see if that’s anything.
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The Chronic: The perfect soundtrack for filing expenses. It’s like this and like that…yeeeeeaaaaah, compliant as heeeeell. Now, back to gettin' my stroll on.
“charmed many users with oddball fundraising techniques like meaningless, stackable verification checkmarks” On tumblr business models.
“they are locked in an embrace of mutually exclusive optimisms” Here.
“When two or more people with authority and influence (formal or otherwise) have competing narratives for what’s broken, why, and what to do about it, you can end up with a narrative stalemate.” Here.
There’s a certain tactic for presentations I call “I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, so I’m going to tell you what my reaction to it is as I find out.” This is great for demos, new technologies, and, really, most all thought-leadering. It requires a type of story-telling that educates from this feint, and that continually winks at the audience as if to say “and, come on, I mean, does anyone really know what the fuck is going on here?”
Related: baking a pie is simple. It’s making the pie dough that’s hard.
“sporting a sort of coastal grandfather aesthetic; the tiny tighty-whities have been replaced by cable-knit sweaters, and he’s got a stubbly salt-and-pepper beard” Here.
“Fireplace” is a ridiculously simple work. What is it? It’s the place that you have a fire. I’m fascinated by words like this: they are stupidly simple and so common that I don’t really think about them as descriptive words. You notice this if you encounter a lot of different languages, as I do, especially German and Dutch. I wonder if most words are like that: neighborhood, gas station. I guess these are words that you can break in two that are just descriptions of the thing, place, or concept: phrases that have become words, really. In contrast, older words have lost their literal meaning (or I just don’t know them!): kitchen, park, knife, love, tree, winter, porch, candy, fart, bed, shelf, lamp, dog, happy.
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I have my last, scheduled work trip of the year this week. It’ll be fun because it’s a new talk, just down in Belgium - an easy trip. I’ll see how it goes and then maybe write it up here.
Suggested outro.