We should probably just fix networking instead of putting on another layer of paint
Also, fun finds, comments on Dell and developers, and the three talks I'll be doing at VMware Explore Europe
Here’s the final installment of my talks with Here’s the third little interview I did with Torsten Volk at EMA research. We talk about things that slow developers and other staff down. He’s done a great, very thorough look at Kubernetes usage and the state of things. You can get it for free thanks to my work.
“To ‘help gamers keep the crunch to themselves,’ Doritos is debuting what it calls ‘Doritos Silent.’ Gamers download Doritos Crunch Cancellation software and when the technology is turned on, the software detects the crunching sounds and silences it while keeping the gamer’s voice intact.” Tyler.
“I’m local, but I shot the bingo finals. Almost got an award for that!”
“Andreessen-style gibberish.” Here.
Oh, you know: It’s the usual bullshit.
I saw someone working in QBR slides in the plane. Planned versus won, targeted funnel versus actual sales. There was a lot of customers slide work - some embedded Excel sheets which they would go edit. These metrics are all, largely the same. It’s hard to know what any company would get out of customization them more than a set of three or five slides. I’m sure Salesforce just spits out oodles of them. These are the kinds that slides that, if you need to make custom ones, something is wrong with your sales ops stack, or worse, you might be trying to arts and crafts around the cold numbers. And, yet, to suggest they everyone should stop it with these custom slides, charts, and analysis and just use, like, 20 universal ones, is clearly bonkers.
Hilariously, the defaults in PowerPoint and Excel are probably enough. Simply mandating that you don’t use custom slides, Smart Art, and charts would probably fix a lot of white-collar waste.
“FOMO continues to outweigh FOF (fear of fraud).” Here.
"That’s turbo-amazing!
We are watching Adventure Time again, this time for the three year old. It’s, of course, wonderful.
“And check out these classic stylings! They don’t make them like this anymore!”
Subscribe to read my polemic: Forks Have Ruled Too Long - Spoons are the Best Cutlery.
“I don’t know how to make coffee. I’ve tried. I cannot master it. I’ve really tried.” Here.
“How’d you sleep last night?” “Terrible! I couldn’t control that stupid heat - it’s cold, it’s hot!” American problems during the grand tour.
Relative to your interests
Shift-down - Seroter’s term is taking off!
More promo of the CNCF platform maturity model.
You Keep Using That Word - He’s not a fan: “given that the industry is not known for creative, timely or even useful category descriptors, the next best step might be to gradually phase out or minimize the usage of the term edge in favor of terminology that actually communicates something that can be commonly understood.”
I mean, these things are pretty annoying when they’re used by negligent speeders - Amsterdam considering license plate requirement, minimum age for fatbikes - “Last week, the police checked over 50 fatbikes at various places in the city and found that a third had an illegal throttle.”
G.I. Joe PSA Compilation, Remastered - still amazing if you’re into complete absurd art.
Dell GA’s APEX Cloud Platform for Red Hat OpenShift - Doing this kind of “it’s all integrated private cloud box” always seems like a good idea for Dell. But I never know if it’s a success. Also, does it actually work to talk about developers or in this context, or should the focus be all on the infrastructure people that are being asked to support (cloud native) developers? It feels like if you go to an application developer with this kind of pitch, unless you’re Bryan Cantrell or dhh, you’ll be hardcore ignored. Also: hopefully Dell gets dhh to keynote Dell World. The thought leadership for hardware vendors doing this probably needs to be explaining how application developers work and what they need to the infrastructure people buying and running the gear. I’m not sure talking to “developers” gets you much of anywhere, unless you can do it Cantrill/dhh style.
Talks I’ll be giving, places I’ll be, things I’ll be doing, etc.
Nov 6th to 9th VMware Explore in Barcelona, speaking (twice, and at a booth). Nov 15th DeveloperWeek Enterprise, speaking.

I’m at VMware Explore in Barcelona this week. That means I’m not at KubeCon, but there’s plenty of my team-mates and co-workers there. Go say high to the Carvel people and the folks at the VMware booth - tell ‘em I sent you. Also, Matt Ray will be there for his FinOps stuff, OpenCost?
I have three talks at Explore this week: a VMware booth/theater one at 2:30pm tomorrow, a panel on years of running developer platforms on 12:45pm on Wednesday, and then a talk about platform marketing (getting developers to use your stuff, and product managing it) at 2pm on Wednesday. The way they do listings for talks is a little weird, but you can find the talks listed here.