The more kubernetes you use, the more frequently you release software
and other insights from the latest CNCF kubernetes survey, a new cfgmgmt company, on-premises kubernetes pricing strategies, and links.
The more kubernetes you use, the more frequently you release software

The CNCF has a new kubernetes survey out. We discussed it in more length in today’s Tanzu Talk News (it’s not published yet, but subscribe to it and you’ll get it tomorrow). Here’s some notes of mine:
I did not make the time to read the raw data. When I have in the past, it’s always been a treat.
Demographics: 2,063 took it. I generally consider this survey to be “advanced” users. For example, they put out calls on their listservs, Twitter accounts, etc. - so they’re recruiting from their community. But they’ve done some things to “normie” it: pulling in Dynatrace and Data Dog scanning, using an external firm to find respondents. I would still consider this survey to represent “the CNCF community” more so than “everyone.”
For example, Gartner estimated that in 2022 5% of all terrestrial workloads ran on kubernetes.
That disclaimer aside, findings in this survey from the CNCF community:
The way they word the following is confusing. “44% of respondents are already using containers for nearly all applications and business segments and another 35% say containers are used for at least a few production applications.” But then “30% of our respondents' organizations have adopted cloud native approaches across nearly all development and deployment activities.” // I think they’re saying 44% of respondents run most of their apps in production on kubernetes, 35% run at least 3–5 (but not 50% to 100%?) in production. And, more people are running their apps not in production, in dev and staging. As mentioned, I haven’t looked at the detailed data set so perhaps this is in there, but I’d want to just straight up ask “what percentage of your apps in production run on kubernetes.”
The more you use kubernetes, the closer to deploying at will (multiple times a day) you get: “organizations that widely use cloud native approaches, 76% are using containers for nearly all applications and business segments, and 48% release code at least daily. In comparison, only 20% of organizations with limited cloud native maturity use containers and 23% release applications daily.” // there’s a 9% rise in multiple times a day releases if you’re in the “nearly all” category.
The “operating system of the cloud” observation is interesting. We talked about it a lot in today’s Tanzu Talk recording (posted on Feb 8th, 2023, not the day of this newsletter episode - “we’re taping it now, but it airs next week” and all that). What this means is that people are just using kubernetes as the thing they run everything on, well, like an operating system. They’ll run their build pipelines in it, their IDP’s like Backstage, etc. This is a really interesting aspect of kubernetes and one that’s maybe not…expected? It’s not just a production “cloud,” but just a think you run stuff in. I don’t know how to articulate that well. A good way of putting it from the survey: “At Dynatrace, we use Kubernetes for any new software project, whether it’s build pipelines or our SaaS offerings. We see the same trend with our customers. Kubernetes effectively has emerged as the operating system for the cloud.”
“Auxiliary workloads” is what they call this stuff.
From the CNCF 2022 survey. 63% of kubernetes workloads are these auxiliary ones, with 37% being application workloads, in 2022. The report summary doesn’t specify if the app workloads are in production, but let’s assume that for squinting at this rainbow chart purposes, it doesn’t matter. Other than the observation itself, this shows some spend-thinking CIOs (or whoever) will need to do: you could easily end up paying more for development and staging than production if your vendor doesn’t distinguish between the two. I don’t think the public clouds care: it’s all kubernetes to them. But, private cloud vendors could negotiate that as part of the EULA (or whatever) pricing. You’d have to run on trust, largely, but vendors who only charged for production kubernetes workloads would have a pricing advantage over public cloud. The public cloud people need to account for IaaS and networking usage - they pay for that (as little as it maybe be!). But software vendors (yes, like us at VMware Tanzu) have nothing to do with that. So, if we just said, “we’re not going to charge for anything but production workloads,” we could, using the numbers from the auxiliary workloads rainbow, give people a big discount on their potential spend. Of course, the public cloud services with money to burn on long-term CAC-think could do the same and just eat the cost until they starved us out. STRATEGY! FUN!
There’s a huge rise in serverless usage, from 2020 to 2022: “service mesh going from 27% in 2020 to 47% in 2022, and serverless architecture/FaaS moving from 30% to 53%.” // Ever since Simon Wardley started declaring next year the year of serverless about five (six?) years ago, we’ve all been waiting for it. I floated a theory once that we’ve reached “peak serverless,” that we’ve figured out all the uses. But, it seems to be growing y/y/y. What will it be next year. Also, if throw in things like GitHub Actions (that’s serverless right?) the number goes up. Again, I’d want the question to be “how many of your production workloads use serverless?”
Check the rest, I love a good survey.

SPEAKING OF! Are you getting kubernetes setup in your organization? Check out the methodology we’ve used for a decade or more to help large organizations run their application platform, platform as a product. We have an overview documented in this PDF that will give you a good start. It’s the topic of the “platform” talk I give, so if you want to pull on that string, there’s plenty more out there. Download it it for free.
My Content
Two Guys Live in the Southern Hemisphere, with Craig Box, Software Defined Talk - This week Matt Ray is joined by Craig Box and they discuss living down under, Craig’s media future, and managing CNCF Sandbox projects developer relations.
State of Spring 2022 Survey, Kubernetes in the Wild, Tanzu Talk News podcast - In this episode, we check in on the Spring community by looking at the most recent State of Spring survey. While in survey land, we look at the Dynatrace Kubernetes in the Wild study: what are the top languages used in kubernetes, and how is on-premises use shaping up> Also, SpringOne was great, and now there’s so much more of it each week until the next SpringOne this fall. And, check out how smooth Ben is at picking up MC duties when Coté’s internet stops working.
cfgmgmtcamp 2023 trip report
Admittedly, not including my own talk, I only attended two talks (see below) at this year’s configuration management camp. And, I’ve had to skip the second day since I have more travel this week.
I saw Adam Jacob’s talk on his new company, System Initiative which seems like applying an object oriented approach to configuration management. It has a clever use of digital twins to basically have a simulation of production in your staying environment and then, cleverly, to sync production back to your staging model. This means that your CMDB/one source of truth “lies less,” as he put it.
The idea and architecture are great! As always it gets down to the “drivers”: whatever actually connected to those Cisco routers and databases and does the changes and sends those changes back to the staging model. I’m always a bit let down that people don’t spend more time on this stuff. Eventually you have to get down to the ugly sendmail configuration that Adam started with.
In the long term vision, you have the hardware and software people make these “drivers,” which I guess is what is natural order of things if you can get them onboards.
Anyhow, it seemed like a good idea. And the talk was great, you should watch it for a good story of fixing a server when you’re wasted.
What ends up happening, every year so far (or least the last two), is that I get delightfully stuck in the cafeteria talking for hours with someone. Last time is was my old pal John Willis, this time it was with Colin Humphreys, Winna Bridgewater, and a couple other folks. We talked about what their company is up to, and, eventually, Descartes.
My talk was OK. It’ll be better next time as I rev the new stuff some more. I spent too much time defining and talking about platforms and not the promise of the talk: what to actually do. That’s easy enough to cut down and, then, expand on the good parts. I enjoyed talking with people afterwards, as always.
Culture without tools it’s just talking.
“JS-industrial-complex” Here.
“Heroku has all the hallmarks of a good platform: it’s simple, it works and its way too expensive” Me, apparently.
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I have another trip tomorrow, up to London. I have some thoughts on iA Presenter I’ll have to share once I find the time. See y’all next time!