Publishing an annual survey is a great marketing tool, even better for thought-leadership
Also, fun and weird finds from the World Wide Web and, it turns out, procrastination is just self-care.
Using Surveys for Marketing
They dress like they’re Chaotic Good, but they’re totally Lawful Good under all that sloppy couture.
This is some buck-wild ABM: a direct appeal to Delta to buy their AI stuff.
“I wrote this one when my family was in Hawaii, too. I kind of had a meltdown there, to be honest.” Blue Cheese.
If you were to watch Furosia and Fury Road back-to-back, as one movie, it might just be the best action movie ever made. You’d need two intermissions, though, not between the two movies, but right before each major action sequence.
Why Not Give Robots Foot-Eyes? Here.
“How are you today?” “Legally prohibited from complaining due to a non-disparagement clause, you?” Via.
“The problem is the darker side of the word, when we use it to express ‘merely.’” Here.
“nothing fun happens on a Monday night.” Here.
“How does (or will) AI impact this decision?” // When AI reaches the office or the CFO. // If your CFO asked this, how would you even answer it? Would a CFO know how to interpret, verify, and trust the answer? // Maybe the right answer is “who knows. Have you actually used those things? How about we put ‘fuck around and find out’ on the ledger for this quarter?”
There’s no fucking around, just finding out.
“Why Not Give Robots Foot-Eyes?” Here.
“It just wasn’t their world anymore. So they had to leave.” Hilda, s1e2.
“There’s that well observed effect where you have better conversations if you’re not looking each other in the eye. Driving. Walking. Walking meetings. Watching telly on the sofa.” Russell Davies.
And: “they still have a selection of newspapers you can read. That means something, they’re not going to hurry you out if they’ve offering you a newspaper.” Ibid.
“How are you today?” “Legally prohibited from complaining due to a non-disparagement clause, you?” Via.
“The problem is the darker side of the word, when we use it to express ‘merely.’” Here.
“A turd for your argument” Here.
Relative to your interests
Platform Engineering: The First Hype Cycle - I should probably read this.
Gartner Survey Shows 66% of Finance Leaders Think Generative AI Will Have Most Immediate Impact on Explaining Forecast and Budget Variances - What’s also remarkable is how low they rate other use cases. I’m a bit confounded about reports that consulting firms are getting billions in sales for AI stuff. What could it possibly be?
A Eulogy for DevOps - “Feels like somehow Developers got stuck with a lot more work and Operation teams now need to learn 600 technologies a week. Surprisingly tech executives didn’t get any additional work with this system. I’m sure the next reorg they’ll chip in more.” // New idea for conference talk: The Nine Lives of DevOps.
Kubernetes Security Report: Evolving Landscape of DevSecOps - Red Hat Kubernetes surveys results, here, looking at the security part. The theory is: there’s too many different parties working on security, causing “confusion and delay.” See also our recent State of Cloud Native Platforms survey (5th year in a row): security is always on the top. I guess that problem will never get solved.
YouTube dominates streaming, forces media companies to adapt - “YouTube made up 9.7% of all viewership on connected and traditional TVs in the U.S. in May — the largest share of TV for a streaming platform ever reported by Nielsen’s monthly ‘The Gauge’ report. Netflix ranked second, claiming 7.6% of viewership. Among streamers only, YouTube’s total viewership was close to 25% market share.”
Don’t be results-oriented - Make sure your factory is functioning well.
Enterprise hits and misses - gen AI spending meets ROI pressure, AI readiness is a thing, and AR/VR has a vision problem - “Enterprise hypothesis: AI can’t fix what ails you (e.g. legacy landscape and ‘messy’ data bottlenecks), but applied properly, it can accelerate what you do well.” // And, as said elsewhere: “So you aren’t just adopting AI, you’re doing data management as well.”
Someone finally figured out why procrastination is therapeutic:

New idea for a conference talk: “How platform engineering stole all your sponsorship money.” It’d kill as a lighting/ignite/whatever talk on the DevOpsDays circuit.
It’s July!