dog-puzzles, punctuation, and making kubernetes better for developers
Just the links and waste book today
Sadly, I don’t really have any original content for you today.
VMware’s app dev stack for kubernetes
Here’s an overview of how one organization uses our platform to get development teams working together better, API sharing and use, setup up project templates, automate deployments, and run on multiple clouds:
My Internet is down so I can get very little work done. However, once I started playing these choice tracks, I felt like my labor contribution alone were going to increase GDP by two basis points. Thanks, Business! Call now.
“Never lift what you can drag, never drag what you can roll, never roll what you can leave.” Here.
“dozens of dog-puzzle sellers fail so that one may thrive” Here.
‘He pulled up a page with a young model wearing pink-striped thigh-high socks, opened a chat with a subscriber and typed out: “Heyy daddy !”…“You see how there’s a space before the exclamation mark?” he said. “Yeah, that’s how 18-year-olds type.” When it comes to sales, Rosero said, those details make all the difference.’ Here.
W3C - such a huge, important, consequential influence in my early life, and, now, I haven’t thought of them in a decade or more. I probably think about humus more. What else is like that? I’d never forget about Dre, but there must be so many other things. “changing the shape of pencils." Here.
What we need to face is that it was always crap content, regardless of who or what wrote it. And, worse, us nerds got rich off it.

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Big Tech is using layoffs to crush worker power - Another theory: “If there’s one thing that firing people in a large-scale and seemingly random way accomplishes, it’s instilling a sense of precarity, even fear, in those who remain.” Also, some commentary here from a tech employee perspective.
The Gartner Hype Cycle reimagined - ‘We had our survey-takers rate different tech products and online behaviors according to the Gartner Hype Cycle. So you could rate something as “beginner,” or just starting out, “hype summit,” which would mean it’s super hot right now, “slumped,” which means no one is thinking about anymore, or “chilling,” which indicates that you’ve sort of made peace with it in your digital life. The number one bit of feedback we got was that people wanted the ability to rate something totally “over.”’
Tool clutter weighs down cross-team collaboration - “Almost two-thirds of workers say a lack of integration between tools and processes weigh down cross-team collaboration, a Microsoft report released Thursday found. The company surveyed 2,700 employees and 1,800 business decision-makers.”
Gotta keep going on that platform talk rewrite. I’ve been using iA Presenter for it because, I don't know, I like to try new things. Presenter is true to its intention of enforcing the big words, big pictures type of presentation. I’m not sure I like that style, but I’ll see. I’ve always wanted to present like Bruce Sterling does, seemingly reading from an essay with very few visuals.
And if you like fun, be sure to check out that 1981 Pee Wee stage show.