[Coté Memo #13] Mesosphere, searching for VSLOOKUP, Herculean flops
Hello again, welcome to #13. Today we have 22 subscribers, so we're -1. TEARS! (I feel like Al below.) I'd love to hear what you like, dislike, your feedback, etc.: memo@cote.io.
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451 Research, is having it's big cloud conferences this Fall, Oct. 6th to 8th. I'll have a session or two on developer relations and marketing, and other analysts will be talking about their area. Anyhow, if you're interested, I have a discount code you can use: go to the registration page, and enter the code MC200 to get $200 off the registration price.
Tech & Work World
I'm finishing up a report on Mesosphere. Until then, good old TPM has an excellent write-up. I admire that guys work. He's so thorough!
Anyhow, these platforms - like CoreOS as well - that are seeking to do something "beyond cloud" fascinate me. Their marketing can be a bit troublesome since they don't admit - easily, up-front at least - that there's a fair amount of custom coding needed, it's mostly stateless, and, thus, requires some sophisticated microservices thinking (I mean, you wouldn't run an SAP app on them, right?)...I believe...but other than that, they're pretty interesting.
Here's the 451 Take I have so far on Mesosphere:
Building around the open source Apache Mesos project, the startup Mesosphere is commercializing a cloud platform whose intellectual pedigree ranges from Google, UC Berkeley, and Twitter and is being used by hyper-scale web companies to run their applications. As with other vendors like CoreOS, Docker, Red Hat, and the work around Google Kubernetes, Mesosphere is re-thinking the infrastructure needed for cloud-native applications. We see a growing demand to re-write and re-platform the bulk of applications existent in the consumer and enterprise space to fit into mobile and tablet form factors and take advantage cloud infrastructure. For example, the recent IBM/Apple partnerships promises to developer "100s" of iOS native applications and the back-end services to support those apps. As other cloud platforms like OpenStack quickly mature, alternatives like Mesophere may present architectural - and share of wallet - competition for public and private cloud. As companies look to solve these problems, they'll potentially find themselves intellectually behind - most companies are just now addressing lower level cloud infrastructure needs - requiring companies like Mesosphere to do a hefty amount of thought-leadership and market-making.
I'll, of course, throw in a link to the full report once it gets up.
I think I finally understand how to use COUNTIF in Excel. It seems helpful. One day, I'll figure out VSLOOKUP, and then watch out global GDP!
Fun & IRL

"We got one!"
I've been enjoying The Flop House podcast recently. The episode on The Legend of Hercules is a great episode to start with. At least two Ghostbusters references and an astute recollections of Greek mythology...what's not to like?
Other episodes are funny for sure, and it'll help you keep up with all those terrible movies they show on airplanes.