[CotéMemo #016] Developer relations, HP & Cisco's cloud, Google Fiber, Twitter Analytics, Mesosphere
Hello again, welcome to #16. Today we have 25 subscribers, so we're +3. THANKS! (Keep telling your friends!) I'd love to hear what you like, dislike, your feedback, etc.: memo@cote.io.
See past newsletters in the archives, and, as always, see things as they come at Cote.io and @cote.
I'll be at speaking at a couple conferences you should come to this Fall:
One, at 451's HCTS conference, Oct. 6th to 8th. where I'll be talking about developer relations and marketing (see below). I've got a $200 off discount code for that, MC200, that you can use if you want to sign up for the conference.
Second, I'll be in Chicago (Sep 23rd) and Toronto (Nov 18th) giving my DevOps and cloud talk with TechTarget. It's gotten good reviews so far as being helpful, and it's free. Register here if you're interested.
That typo in yesterday's subject was a typo. I'm not that clever.
(Or am I?)
Tech & Work World
Some quick hits
This CRN piece summarizing and HP cloud pitch is a pretty good overview
Adoption of SAP HANA is weird - people seem to admit it makes things run faster, but figuring out why it should be used is an issue. Smells like a marketing and pricing problem.
Also from CRN (who's stuff is always very thorough), this clearly softball "big win for some PR team" interview with Chambers at Cisco is a great read, full of quotes, Cisco strategy, and factoids for those of us who track such minute details as "[s]o far, nudging partners toward cloud and selling business outcomes seems to be paying off. The number of cloud services offered by Cisco Powered cloud partners has shot up 60 percent over the past seven months, according to Klein."
Developer relations and marketing
You probably saw me Tweet this this morning, but: my long form report on developer relations and marketing is up - yes, for 451 clients (apply for a trial and all that mentioning sent you if you want to[I really need a TextExpander macro for that]. ).
You can see a high-level summary on my blog.
I think it's pretty good stuff. I've already gotten one tasty thing stuck in my InstaPaper queue in reply (meaning I haven't read it yet, but it looks good).
Twitter Analytics
I've gotten unhelpfully addicted to Twitter Analytics. To be fair to the diction of "addicted," it's pretty damn good. A few things:
1.) If you didn't know this existed (I didn't!) go check it out.
2.) I was thinking of posting my raw data export to see how I'm "doing." I have no idea if if these numbers are good, bad, or what.
As a sample, here's the record for my tweet on my developer relations report:

0.8% people actually clicked, I think. That anything?
The Mesosphere piece I wrote, and previewed here, is also up, check out the 451 Take and the full report if your a 451 client or want to sign up for a trial.
As a side-note: we have a copydesk at 451 which always seems weird for a "blogger" like me. But, they caught a good error/omission in my original draft so, bully for them!
Enterprise Grade Cloud
Fun & IRL
June Bug
Here's that dog I mentioned:

Notably, she had nothing to do with that mess.